Called to Serve: The WWVP-NQR Partnership

This blog shares the excitement of mutual mission projects between members of Northern Quintana Roo Presbytery (Mexico) and Whitewater Valley Presbytery (Indiana), along with friends from Southern Indiana, Western Ohio and Northeast Iowa.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wrapping up at Cozumel

By Felipe Martinez
A short ferry ride from Playa del Carmen is the beautiful island of Cozumel, where members of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church have been all week helping with construcion and VBS at the "Puerta de Esperanza" mission church, led by Pastor José Luis Cupul.

On Friday, the group used a skit to share the story of when Jesus told the disciples to throw their nets over to one side of the boat (after they had fished all night and caught nothing)... and to their amazement a large number of fish get caught in the nets!

During their time for games, the group organized a pick-up game of soccer,

and they also played "Pato, Pato, Ganso" (translation: Duck, Duck, Goose). You have no idea how fun that can be...

This group from Tab had a great week of work and VBS and they return to Indy tomorrow. By the way, another group from Tab arrives tomorrow to go to Cozumel and concentrate on construction work at the church's future site.


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