Called to Serve: The WWVP-NQR Partnership

This blog shares the excitement of mutual mission projects between members of Northern Quintana Roo Presbytery (Mexico) and Whitewater Valley Presbytery (Indiana), along with friends from Southern Indiana, Western Ohio and Northeast Iowa.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Report from El Milagro "Roca Firme"

Report by Planter Francisco from El Milagro "Roca Firme"

Evangelism: In July, we prepared to receive the children who will join us for the 2007 VBS. We have been walking the streets to invite people, putting up posters and large signs inviting the community to participate. The sisters who are now the teachers got ready and set aside their time to participate in this activity, which we understand as a massive evangelism campaign.

VBS 2007: Together with our brothers and sisters from the US, we held VBS with participation from the community, and the work of the members in different capacities, cleaning, cooking, teaching, and construction.

I have to emphasize the low attendance of men (non-converted) as the majority of those in attendance were women from the community. It could be that it was due to people going out on vacation, and I don’t think it’s due to them working that late in the day. Maybe next year we could have VBS a little later. In any event, when I asked the women about their husbands, they would tell me that they were working and that some were out of town

Construction: UIT the help of our brothers and sisters from the mission, we installed light poles and did other work so that now we have electricity! Thanks be to God! I have to stress that getting electricity is a very hard process, since it is very costly and difficult to get installed. We see this as an answer to prayer.

We built 10 new pillars in what will become the sanctuary, with the help of our brothers and sisters from the US.

I want to thank God for the help we got from our brothers and sisters from the US. They not only worked side by side with us, but they also prayed and encouraged our members who were going through health and other problems. I don’t have words to express my gratitude to God for the life of all these people. May God bless them and prosper them in all they do

In August we coordinated with Pastor Ramon Celis to have a social ministry outreach with the support of some dentists, and an attendance of a little over 200 people

Preparing for Hurricane Dean led us to convert our present sanctuary into a temporary shelter for the members and some people brought in some belongings and some spent the night. Thank God nothing happened, but we prayed for the brothers and sisters in the faith and others who were affected by the hurricane. We particiapated with some pastors from the area to collect a love offerings to take groceries to the victims

We ask for your prayers for September 3, 2007 when we will have the first children at our daycare.

Our statistics:
20 adult members
60 young members, 1 to 14 years old
10 new members ready to be baptized in November
6 committed visitors