Called to Serve: The WWVP-NQR Partnership

This blog shares the excitement of mutual mission projects between members of Northern Quintana Roo Presbytery (Mexico) and Whitewater Valley Presbytery (Indiana), along with friends from Southern Indiana, Western Ohio and Northeast Iowa.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Second Presbyterian Church

(2nd try as the computer froze on the first with one whole paragraph completed....)

Greetings from the 2nd Pres mission team in tropical Playa del Carmen. We are on day 4 of our adventure, day 2 of VBS (or EB de V en espanol). Apparantly we are behind in our blogging activities, so I will try and catch up the folks at home.

Day 1 Safe, timely arrival in Cancun. Ramon met us at the airport and got us set up with our 2 vans for the week. Our suprise waited at the hotel, when Manases (pastor at Monte de Olivos) and his family were our welcoming committee!

Day 2 We began the day with Bible study at the church, there were 2 adult classes and classes for the children as well. We had the afternoon at leisure for shopping, going to the beach or pool, or the ever prevalent siesta. Just like in the midwest, it is hot and humid here as well. We returned to the church for their evening worship at 7 and had a chance to be introduced to the congregation. There are 3 of us from last years mission returning (David, Bill (aka Guillermo) and Jenni...todays "blogista" ) and we were seeing our old friends again!
Felipe from the presbytery gave a fantastic sermon switching seamlessly between English and Spanish.

Day 3 We met at the church for breakfast and fellowship. Some members of our team are better in Spanish than others, but we all paired up with a member of our sister congregation for a getting to know you exercise, then we introduced them (in our language of choice) to the group at large. EBV begins at 6pm every night and there are 4 stations that the participants rotate through-games (juegos), crafts (manualidad), snacks and lesson. There are 3 groups of children by age, then a group of adults/teenagers. I am on the games team, and it´s always a lot of fun. We finished EBV with a special guest...a vaquero (cowboy) clown who told the story of the good Samaratin. Confetti was also much that we may be bringing some home in our luggage.

Day 4 (today) We met at the church for a day of fellowship with our brothers and sisters on the beach. We swam, played volleyball and had a picnic lunch together, then returned and had a large group prayer. Today´s lesson is the woman who prayed without ceasing and between all of us, there is a lot to pray for and a lot to be thankful for as well.

More adventures still to come!
David, Carlos, Guillermo, BJ, Juanita, Leah, Katarina, Jenni, Holly, Raquel, y Donaldo


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