Called to Serve: The WWVP-NQR Partnership

This blog shares the excitement of mutual mission projects between members of Northern Quintana Roo Presbytery (Mexico) and Whitewater Valley Presbytery (Indiana), along with friends from Southern Indiana, Western Ohio and Northeast Iowa.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

VBS at Principe de Paz (Ejido) Playa del Carmen

by Gilda D. Samuels


"One can't believe impossible things" said Alice "I daresay you havn't had much practice,"said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

When God called a few people in Dubuque to dream impossible dreams, he sent Leonel Pech, and then Ramón, along to help those dreams become a reality.
When God called Whitewater Valley Presbytery to dream impossible dreams, he sent Leonel, and then Ramón, along to help those dreams to also become a reality. Leonel and Ramón were experienced in dreaming impossible dreams that God had helped come true.

God called us to help construct a church in the Ejido of Playa del Carmen and gave each member of the group a blessing for answering the call. The area continues to grow, along with the church. Near the Valmar hotel (2003) once was a vacant lot. It is now a super Walmart with all of the latest conveniences. A large group of Italians are moving to Playa. Tourism is still the strongest industry.

I had the privilege of joining a group from Whitewater Valley Presbytery to help in the Bible school of Principe de Paz from July 15th-22nd , 2006. We didn't do construction as the building plans are still with the architect.
The church is planning on an L shape, adding 3 story classrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Instead we taught English with music and games in the mornings. During breaks the kids practiced their futbol (soccer) moves with Sam, John, and Ben. Our group was from four different churches and two states (Indiana and Iowa). Judy Kimmer, from Anderson, Indiana, was our group leader. She brought daugher Katy and friend Kaylee. Everyone was musical and able to communicate in Spanish.
The women of the church prepared lunch for us almost everyday.

In the evening was vacation Bible school. Judy and friends did the openings with lively music in Spanish. It was a blessing to watch the children respond and sing from their hearts. Katy and Kaylee worked with 40-50 preschoolers doing crafts and Bible stories. Judy and I did crafts with the 1st to 6th grade group. Sam, John and Ben did recreation. Several people in the church came along side us to get it all done. We averaged about 150 people a night. All the Bible teaching was done by people in the church.

I am happy to have had a small part in the working of God in this church.
Don Moncho (Ramón), Pastor Joel and Reyna, and all the people of Principe de Paz send their greetings and love. They are praying for us. Please keep them in your prayers. Gavin is helping in Cancun this week. He will have more to tell us. May we be open to the future leading of the Holy Spirit.


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