Called to Serve: The WWVP-NQR Partnership

This blog shares the excitement of mutual mission projects between members of Northern Quintana Roo Presbytery (Mexico) and Whitewater Valley Presbytery (Indiana), along with friends from Southern Indiana, Western Ohio and Northeast Iowa.

Monday, October 09, 2006

El Mesias VBS Blitz 2006

What a blessing to share the love of Christ at El Mesias church in Playa Del Carmen, July 2006. Many new friendships were made and many new families experienced the love of Christ during VBS. Pastor Juan De Mata, his wife Lizbeth, their family and all the brothers and sisters from the church made their Indiana guests feel welcome. This was the first year to celebrate VBS at the new church lot in Playa Del Carmen. The church is located in a developing area of Playa. Many families from the adjacent neighborhood were welcomed at VBS. The week began with about 30 participants at VBS and grew to around 100 by the end of the week! Praise God for His work to bring so many new visitors to the church during the week! We were blessed to be a part of this initial calling to the people of the neighborhood. The team enjoyed much fellowship before, during and after each day of VBS. We enjoyed many great meals together as a team including epenadas and panuchos. Some of the Hoosiers even got to join in the fun of making more than 350 hand-made tamales that were shared at the closing of VBS on Friday evening! Thank you Jesus for the love you have given us to share! Dios te bendigas!
Fun making crafts!

Fun making tamales!


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